Pacquiao will defend his WBO welterweight title against Sugar Shane Mosley on Saturday in Las Vegas in a Showtime pay-per-view bout.
Whether he will continue to confound experts with his successful weight class-crossing prowess remains to be seen. Next fight: Mayweather (who was recently dropped from Ring Magazine's pound-for-pound rankings because of his notable absence in the ring for the past year).
Known as the "Little Sparrow," Edith Piaf's love letters to her lover, Louis Gérardin during their 10-month affair have been published in her home country France. Although experts say that the love was almost a lonely one way street. In one of her love letters written in the early 1952 and included in the book, Piaf wrote, "You have taken me like no other man has ever done, and I have given you what I have never before given, which is to say: myself!"
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Osama's death does not warrant bold jubilation anywhere. And day by day, more and more people are speaking out against it. Unethical, disappointing, callous, arrogant, provoking are only some of the words used by the more sane and sensible ones who spoke against it. And now, add embarrassment. In a story titled, 'Europeans Find the Ground Zero Celebrations Somewhat Embarrassing' , the German publication, Spiegel Online International interviews German political scientist Herfried Münkler. It seems like Europeans are more sensible and more grounded to feel the wrongness and totally unbecoming reaction of Americans.
Again, in relation to Osama's death and the "somewhat embarrassing" American celebrations, here's a video that proves there are still "somewhat" sensible people or perhaps they're just not in the mood to shout "USA! USA!" or they're just plain apathetic New York subway riders. No eye-tagging this time!

April was Autism Awareness month. Previously, I featured the wonderful story of Sherwynne Pineda Hughes and her two kids, one of whom has autism. As I've mentioned in that article, dealing with a child's Autism is truly a major undertaking for the parents or the child's primary caregiver. In a touching and eye-opening story in the Sydney Morning Herald, a mother details her back-breaking and time-consuming quest to make her sons well, happy, and in the proper treatment.
In Canada, Fido, a mobile telecommunications company, once ran ads of people and their dogs that purported pet owners look like or resemble their dogs in some funny and weird ways. This picture of music icon Cher is not from a Fido ad but I think it's true, not in my case though at least in my opinion.