Did you know that the Brokeback Mountain boys, the late Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal both auditioned for the role of the penniless writer Christian in Baz Luhrman's 2001 movie "Moulin Rouge"? Okay, Ewan McGregor obviously has more bohemian appeal than the two.
Mother's Day is this coming Sunday. It's a happy day for mothers. But some Russian mothers are angry when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev cancelled at the last minute his scheduled meeting with the mothers who lost their children in the bloody Beslan crisis (not Aslan!). According to reports, Medvedev was weary the bereaved mothers would bombard him with criticisms primarily directed to his patron and predecessor Vladimir Putin.
In the Philippines, a country steeped in island-Catholic faith and a country dubbed by Time Magazine as more Catholic than the Vatican, the long-due Reproductive Health Bill is still in limbo despite the Philippine President's call for its immediate resolution. In contrast, France's timely and much-needed move to make the "royal condoms" available to the young especially within schools is gaining good grounds .
If you think having expensive and intricate weaves and fancy hair can save you from the slammer, think again. Think hard. Common sense is not common to these people pictured below in their glam mugshots before they headed behind bars. Lyndsay Lohan could learn a thing or two from them if they become cellmates. 

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